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Amazon India
22 reviews
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Shop on Amazon with its official app for India

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Alberto García icon
Reviewed by
Alberto García
Developer’s Operations and Support

Amazon India is the official Amazon India app, designed to offer an unparalleled shopping experience. With this app, you can browse and purchase millions of products on this popular online store in India, including categories such as electronics, video games, home, fashion, books, beauty, food, toys, sports, and many more. As well as online shopping, Amazon India provides a wealth of detailed information about each product, including user reviews, images, in-depth descriptions, and much more.

Choose your language and enjoy personalized navigation

When you enter the Amazon India app for the first time, you can choose from the most widely spoken Indian languages for the app's interface. After that, it will take you to the home page, where you can see popular product categories, featured offers of the week, and much more. Amazon India also shows you categories of products you may be interested in based on your previous searches or purchases.

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Create an account and manage your orders

By creating an Amazon India account, you can easily manage all your orders, addresses, and payment methods. You can also return your purchases if you are not satisfied and you are within the legal return period. You can also synchronize your cart between different devices, so if you save a product in your cart from your smartphone, you will see it later on your PC to check out more conveniently. Amazon India accepts several different payment methods for your orders, such as credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, gift cards, or credit.

Manage your Amazon Prime subscription

Amazon India also allows you to sign up for Amazon Prime, Amazon's paid subscription program. Prime members enjoy free shipping on millions of products with no minimum fee, faster shipping, and access to all of Amazon's online services. These services include Prime Video (its video streaming platform with movies and series), Prime Music (with millions of songs to stream), Prime Photos (to store your photos in the cloud without limits), and much more.

Use Amazon Pay in India

Amazon India includes Amazon Pay. With this service, you can link your bank account or credit and debit cards to your account, allowing you to make purchases more quickly in the online store, as well as to top up your balance. Using Amazon Pay gives you access to rewards and cashback promotions on a host of products. You can also pay your electricity, water, gas, or TV bills automatically, make payments in physical establishments, top up your SIM card, or send money to other Amazon Pay users.

Enjoy free TV with miniTV

Amazon India also includes miniTV, a free content streaming platform that includes a variety of movies and series, both original and licensed. You will find content related to technology, cooking, beauty, fashion, and much more.

Download the Amazon India APK and enjoy one of India's most complete online stores.

Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 9 or higher required

Information about Amazon India

Package Name in.amazon.mShop.android.shopping
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Shopping
Language English
8 more
Author Amazon Mobile LLC
Downloads 1,462,715
Date Jul 29, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 9 Jul 29, 2024
apk Android + 9 Jul 2, 2024
apk Android + 9 Jun 15, 2024
apk Android + 9 Jun 15, 2024
apk Android + 9 Apr 5, 2024
apk Android + 9 Mar 9, 2024

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22 reviews


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elegantwhiteorange13971 icon
2 months ago

It's very popular app so I hopefully take it more better than five star 🌟🌟⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

crazyredduck83398 icon
3 months ago

Very tortured up

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in 2022

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in 2022

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in 2021

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in 2019


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